ESP-Powerpoint 1.2

South Omaha 3505 L Street, Omaha

Las personas aprenderán etiqueta de PowerPoint, formato, inserción, diseños, impresión de múltiples diapositivas para folletos y herramientas de organización para tener una gran presentación.  

Excel 1.1

South Omaha 3505 L Street, Omaha

This course introduces individuals to the basics of how to utilize different areas within Microsoft Excel. Individuals will learn How to enter data, formatting, and merging cells.

Financial Literacy 2

South Omaha 3505 L Street, Omaha

This course prepares individuals to learn how to accurately read a paystub, write a check, and identify where their money is going. Interactive activates will keep you engaged and realizing of where your money has been going. 

Interviewing Skills

South Omaha 3505 L Street, Omaha

This workshop will teach Individuals why it’s important to research company information before an interview, how to dress for an interview, and appropriate responses during an interview, and after an interview what actions can be taken by the applicant.