Employment Partner


Goodwill’s employment skills program is designed to help people with disabilities and other barriers gain access to job training, certifications, and skills that can help them secure long-term employment. We partner with companies across the Omaha metro area to help place Goodwill Pathways program participants in long-term jobs.

As a Goodwill Employment Partner, you’ll play a significant role in helping our program participants build confidence, gain valuable professional experience, and achieve long-term success. In addition, Goodwill Employment Partners receive ongoing support and retention services to ensure successful matches.

Employment Connections: Employment Partners are in the communities of Omaha, Blair, Council Bluffs, Fremont, and Gretna. Let Us Work for You! We work with employers to understand their needs so we can facilitate placements and connect qualified applicants that fit your requirements.

Hiring Events and Career Fairs are conducted at our training centers located at 72nd & Military, 36th & L and at the Charles Lakin Community Foundation in CB.  We also participate in community outreach recruitment events to help match our business partners with qualified candidates and new prospects. Our hiring events and career fairs are open to the public, and we invite businesses of all types to participate. This approach provides candidates with opportunities to consider new industries.

Benefits to Goodwill’s Employment Partners

Goodwill Omaha makes the hiring experience an easy, streamlined process for employment partners and job seekers. Our employment partners quickly discover that working with our Goodwill Pathways team strengthens their hiring efforts with what we call “supported employment,” allowing our employment partners and program participants to call on us any time for assistance.

Our staff works as an extension of our employment partners’ human resources or recruiting departments. We relate to them one-on-one to learn their goals for specific positions and what they want in an employee. Then, we assist them in their searches by providing qualified, relevant candidates.

Want to Become a Partner?

We’d love to learn more about your business’ needs and determine how the Goodwill Pathways team can help match you with qualified candidates.

Attend a Hiring Event

We host on-site and virtual hiring events, training classes, and career fairs that are open to the public. We invite you to participate to find new prospects!

Request More Info

Let us work for you to fill your positions! Contact us here to learn more.

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